Sunday, March 29, 2009

Historically Speaking

Historically Speaking

We are definitely living in a time that will be recognized as a key historical time in our lives. We have a lot to be thankful for. Years from now generations will look back at this time as a time of change and evolution. Do you ever wonder about the time and what it was like during the Great Depression of the 1920s and how people navigated through a trying time to survival? What lessons were learned, what evolved from those times?

What would the people back then say about our challenging times today? What advice would they have? There is a part of me that is very thankful for living for living in such a historical time in life. Witnessing the election of our first African American President, and working toward a solution for improving society as we know it today - both economically and socially. We should be looking forward, turning the page and feeling good about where we are headed. Although these times are challenging, they can also be viewed as exciting times. Becoming part of positive evolution and positive solutions that will be remembered for generations to come is a good thing.

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